Английский: декомпрессируем синтаксис

Ника, смотри:

Excessive use of social media has long been known to negatively impact mental health, as it leads to constant comparison between your ordinary self and carefully curated posts showcasing friends and influencers at their best.

— Длинное
— Много всего происходит
— Новая информация залетает в предложение как обстоятельства.

У меня получилось аж три абзаца. Фактически каждое обстоятельство из твоего предложения превратилось в отдельное предложение, иной раз даже с примерами:

Excessive use of social media has long been known to negatively impact mental health. One of the reasons is how people compare themselves to what they see online.

Like on any social media platform, LinkedIn users show themselves at their best: when they have run a marathon, received a promotion, launched a project, or just felt pretty and confident. They don’t share their downfalls and bad hair days. What you see on social media is carefully curated and edited.

The result is that people compare their regular everyday life to other people’s highlights, which results in feelings of inadequacy.

Лайк зыс, ай синк.

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